MBC and Life Vision have a common goal to look for opportunities to stimulate and help the poorest groups in the country to set up their own micro-business to meet their daily needs. Where possible, this can grow into larger companies or livelihood centers that can provide work for several people. MBC will use its knowledge, experience, materials and resources to help Life Vision apply this in multiple areas in Egypt.
The MBC training courses in Egypt
The aim of the pilot project is to find an effective method of corporate training in Live Vision’s working area, in order to improve the livelihoods of local communities, in combination with further economic development. MBC will realize this by training, guiding and advising Live Vision with regard to the application of the materials and methods developed by MBC. We envision that Live Vision will function as an independent MBC training and coaching center in the longer term.
What do we want to achieve
MBC and Live Vision want to use the business training, with the aim of:
- Responding to the needs of the poor and vulnerable groups in order to offer them an improvement of the living situation, in relation to the generation of income.
- Creating and increasing the possibilities for effective use of financial resources, obtained through a combination of savings, borrowing and revolving funds.
- MBC and Live Vision will use the experiences to work on an optimization of materials and methods, in order to respond even better to local needs.
What the project involves
MBC and Live Vision are starting a Training of Trainers in Cairo, for a team of trainers, staff members of Live Vision. This is followed by a GYB and SYB training in Minya, for mothers involved in Live Vision’s activities in that area. This training is done by the LIfe Vision trainers, with the support of MBC employees.