It is not easy to start a business, especially for those who have tried and failed due to various reasons, be it because of a tropical storm or some other reason. It is then a real challenge to start again and that takes courage…..
“It has given us new hope for the future…“
The Training
With great gratitude in their hearts, the participants of Brgy. San Isidro underwent the liveilhood training project provided by MBC Philippines and PhilRads. It has given them new hope for the future. They saw that this livelihood project was different from other projects. In addition to training, there is mentorship, there is a follow-up…. Plus it’s inclusive as someone pointed out – she first thought the training was only for a special group, but later realized it was open to everyone!
Start a group business
With grants to start new businesses after the typhoon, the beneficiaries were able to continue. In Brgy. San Isidro, they started a group business that supplies rice and animal feed. They buy, repackage and sell in their community. The business created jobs and thus income for the members of the business group. In addition, they could also start their own individual businesses as a contribution to their income..
What was most appreciated about what they learned from the training – and there was a lot to learn: how to start a business, how to manage finances and how to work together. And there can be difficulties, as with any company, but there is also a vision to grow, scale up and move to a larger building to set up a warehouse. There is new hope in life…..