Dorcas Ministries Hungary (DMH) wants to work with communities to create new opportunities for the poor in these communities. Because there are almost no jobs and the knowledge to start a business yourself is lacking, DMH wants to create a place where people develop new business ideas and start new, successful companies. Combined with support and coaching, these new businesses will create a greater chance of success, for the benefit of their own lives and the community.
The target group
The target group will consist of motivated potential entrepreneurs from the communities and young people coming out of prison. This combination is seen as a solution for poverty and for the reintegration of the prison youth into society, by creating opportunities for them to generate their own income and by stimulating relationships between these 2 groups of participants.
Assemble a team
Through a 1-year pilot project, DMH and MBC want to create a motivated team of local stakeholders, people and churches who want to contribute to the establishment of micro-enterprises by and for the needy around them. Together with these stakeholders, we will develop a clear picture of how this fits into the culture and life in Hungary. The project includes a GYB (Generate your Business Idea) training for a group of potential entrepreneurs and stakeholders.
What we want to achieve
This pilot project will show whether the creation of micro-enterprises fits into Hungarian culture, as a solution to poverty and reintegration of the prison youth. If the result is positive, a concrete plan will be developed for a follow-up to this pilot project, including business training, obtaining resources to invest in new companies and a coaching plan for the new companies.
Long term vision
The results will be evaluated in view of a broader long-term partnership: setting up a business training center in Hungary, where people can learn about starting and running their own business, combined with a 2-year coaching.