Dorcas Ministries Hungary (DMH) is an interdenominational aid organization in Hungary, dedicated to serving the poor and oppressed. They work in 15 settlements and join forces with 40 churches and organizations to realize their projects for the benefit of Hungarians living in the country and beyond. The main target groups are poor families, children in need, the elderly living in difficult circumstances and young prisoners. The main target groups are poor families, children in need, the elderly living in difficult circumstances and young prisoners. In addition, it is intended to strengthen the skills of these beneficiaries to lead an independent life and ultimately to help others.
DMH’s regular social projects so far focus on: > Family care, > Care for the elderly, > Diaconie > Summer camps > Mobile home > Blue Bucket Campaign > Prison Care
Start Businesses
Because there are almost no jobs and the knowledge to start a business yourself is lacking, DMH wants to create a place where people from the lower middle class can develop new business ideas and be helped to start new, successful companies. The target group will consist of a combination of potential entrepreneurs from the communities where Dorcas works, and young people who have come out of prison. By bringing these population groups together, Dorcas wants to support the young detainees to regain a place in society..
Pilot project
Through a 1-year pilot project, DMH and MBC want to create a motivated team of local stakeholders, people and partners who want to contribute to the establishment of micro-enterprises by and for the needy around them. The project also includes a first introduction of the Generate you Business Idea training (GYB) for a group of potential entrepreneurs and for the stakeholders. This pilot project will show whether the creation of micro-enterprises fits into Hungarian culture, as a solution to poverty and for the reintegration of the prison youth.
Long-term partnership
As a follow-up to this pilot project, the intention is to start a training center in Hungary, where people learn how to start and run their own business, combined with a 2-year coaching.