Ate Susan started doing business when she divorced her husband in the year 1997. The responsibility of caring for her children and their education fell to her alone. Then she started starting small businesses to meet her family’s financial needs. She started buying and selling 1.5 liter bottles of cola. She then partnered in a Video & Play station rental business. She added a fruit stall to the palette of businesses. In 2006, she joined a CCT (Center for Community Transformation) savings group, adding more business initiatives. She started a small canteen and a “Pisonet” internet cafĂ©. She was able to get a loan and it helped her keep her small business going. These businesses together make it possible for her children to go to school.
Although she has been running her businesses for a while now, she recognizes that she needs to know more about how a business runs well, how to make it profitable. That is why last year (2015) she followed the MBC Start Your Business Training, where she learned how to properly manage her business finances. She even signed up for the MBC coaching program. She is currently being coached by one of MBC’s volunteer business coaches to help her keep her small businesses financially sound so she can continue to provide what she needs for her family!

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